Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mausoleum of Fallen Butterflies

The butterflies are beautiful, fragile and free. Like intoxicating memories of days long gone, yet captured forever with the mind's desire.... Thus to preserve the sembiance of their beauty and elegance we shall purposely kill them and embalm them, and make them durable, strong and everlasting. The sacredness of purpose to kill in order to love is frightfully unsurpassed! Yet again we may realize the wishless liberation and, despite the desire to have, we let the butterflies free, and let us fly away with butterflies and thus experience the ease of contentment of letting go...
The excerpt from "The Revelation of the St. Butterfly: The path to Initiation. Book of Liberation. Chapter XXVI."


  1. What a brilliant and prescient metaphor for a powerful, innate and ever-present tendency in the human consciousness: in order to capture and preserve beauty -- to have, hold, keep and collect; to recollect, to ruminate, to analyze -- we kill the moment, the experience, the excitement, the beauty, the wondrous nature of the present.

    Rufas Thibodeaux

    L'émerveillement et la beauté sont dans l'instant présent, ici et maintenant, non pas dans le passé ou dans l'avenir.

  2. I really like the smitten butterflies :-)
