Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tea Meditation Ceremony

Today at our West Houston Zen Center we were introduced how to do the tea-drinking as a discipline by our monk/meditation guide in residence Youm Gyoumg Sunim. It was very insightful and blissful experience. In his own words:
   "...There are several ways to do meditation through tea. If the body and mind become calm through motion of preparing and drinking tea, it is a Tea Ceremony Meditation. If the body and mind are purified through the five colors of tea, it is Five-colors Tea meditation. If the body and mind are at peace through the color, taste, and fragrance of tea, it is a Color, Taste, Fragrance Tea-meditation. If the body and mind become serene by presenting a tea offering with compassion, it is an Offering-Tea meditation. Also, if the body and mind are calmed through the taste of tea, it is One-Taste-Tea meditation."       
Youm Gyoumg Sunim


  1. Monk looks like a profound and cool dude. So let's have
    a loud cheer for the groovy monk! Personally I have always found that the body and mind become calm through the motion of lighting and smoking eighteen-inch Cuban cigars. So this obviously becomes Eighteen-inch Cuban Cigar Meditation.

    The Drive-By Art Critic and Late Night Philosopher

  2. stai i si puodeli kazkas pilama
